How much weight will my
driveway take once laid ?
A Resinated system is installed
at a depth of 18mm, which is strong
enough to withstand even heavy
traffic. Domestic traffic takes vans,
cars at a 15mm depth.
What does my Guarantee cover ?
All Resinated systems come inclusive of a 10 Year Guarantee that covers you against:
Loose stones
UV degredation & colour change
Frost damage
How is RESINATED different from
it's competitors ?
Resinated was founded by a specialist
groundworker and resin installer.
Resinated are proactive in providing
our customer with pioneering solutions,
we offer a transparent service. All
and any questions will be given the
upmost priority.
Does Resin crack if water freezes under it ?
Resin is permable and water cannot penetrate the stone, as each individual stone is resin coated. It has been BBA certified and tested at temperatures to -50c, meaning it's suitable for highways and public walkways.
No resin systems should never be laid over flags or block paving. Resin should only be installed onto a solid base to warrant a guarantee. Laying over block or flags will cause problems with cracking and sinking.
What surface can I install onto ?
A solid sub-base is required for a Resinated system to be installed, this could be existing tarmac or concrete. Subsequently if the existing sub-base has cracks, we advise laying a new sub-base before installation.
How long should I leave it before I park my car on the drive ?
Once the driveways is laid, we recommend that it is left for 24hrs for the driveway to fully cure for pedestrian traffic, 3 days to fully cure for vehicular traffic. A longer curing time will be needed for cooler temperatures.
Is a Resin driveway more expensive than Block paving ?
With regards to cost, a resin bound surface has more of a consistent price point, whereas block paving materials can fluctuate dramatically. Generally resin bound surfaces can offer competitve if not a cheaper alternative to block paving.